Last modified by the twelfth board of GSSV Moddervet
This is a translation of the Dutch version, as approved on 06-03-2024. In any case where this version may differ from the original, the Dutch version is leading.
Because we as an association work with people and practice a risk sport, there is consensus that it is important that a set of basic rules be established, which need to be met when one is a member of our association. We suppose that clarifying these rules in house rules will ensure that everyone can be aware of the existing rules within our association. Which in turn ensures that we as a board can intervene (in accordance with statutes) if these rules are not followed. The regulations are established according to the following different pillars: General Provisions; Obligations of Members; Board; Training; Other. The House Rules are available upon request, at the survival track in Zernike, and on the website of GSSV Moddervet.
Art. 1 The name of the association is “Groningen Student Survivalrun Association Moddervet,” abbreviated as: “GSSV Moddervet”.
Art. 2 The association was founded on September 2, 2011.
Art. 3 The association is led by the board.
Art. 4 GSSV Moddervet and Membership
Subsection 1 Regular member status can be granted to those who:
Subsection 2 Honorary members are those who have been elected by at least half of the total number of voting members at a General Members Meeting (G.M.M.), where at least two-thirds of the total number of voting members are present. If less than two-thirds of the total voting membership is present, a two-thirds majority of the members present in favor of electing the honorary member must vote. When a second vote is needed, the right to abstain from voting is waived.
Subsection 3 Donors are those who support the association through an annual financial (of at least €5.00), or material contribution.
Subsection 4 To be eligible to vote at a GMM, one must be registered as a regular member at the association.
Subsection 5 One becomes a member by registering as such with the board through the website.
Art. 5 Donorship
One becomes a member or donor by registering as such with the board.
Art. 6 GSSV Moddervet and Aclo
If a member is not in possession of a valid ACLO or dispensation card at the time of the member list control (carried out by Stichting ACLO), GSSV Moddervet may receive a fine from Stichting ACLO. GSSV Moddervet has the right to recover this fine from the concerning member.
Art. 7 GSSV Moddervet and Membership Fee
A member of GSSV Moddervet is obliged to pay a membership fee of height determined by the General Members Meeting, which is included in the House Rules Art.7 Subsection 2. Payment can be made either through direct debit or by transfer.
Subsection 1 This contribution must be paid once per quarter.
Subsection 2 The membership fee of the association is €25.00 per quarter. In addition, a member pays €2.50 per quarter as a volunteer reimbursement. If a member either helps out at Moddervet as a volunteer three times, if needed, or is active in a committee, or is active in the board, the member gets the €2.50 back in the manner determined at the GMM.
Subsection 3 If the contribution for a quarter is not paid by the member up to three times due to the member’s fault (for example, revocation of the debit, providing incorrect debit information, and not correcting this at the request of the board of the association), then the association can proceed to expel the member. In this situation, the member remains a debtor of the association until the payment has been satisfied.
Subsection 4 When a member has implemented correct debit instructions, but the treasurer fails to collect their contribution, this has no negative consequences for the member. The treasurer of the association may collect up to 3 quarters of overdue membership fees in this case.
Art. 8 GSSV Moddervet and (Financial) Integrity
The association has an Audit Committee, further referred to as the Audit Committee.
Clause 1 The Audit Committee is tasked with functioning as a supervisory and advisory body for the treasurer of the association.
Clause 2 The Audit Committee must, before a General Assembly, examine the financial state of the association, the accounting, the budget, and the realization of the budget, and approve them (if necessary, subject to conditions).
Clause 3 The Audit Committee has the right at all times to request insight into the financial situation of the association.
Clause 4 The Audit Committee has the right to convene an extraordinary General Assembly (in addition to the transitional and semi-annual General Assembly) for the board and the members of GSSV Moddervet.
Clause 5 The treasurer of the association must inform the Audit Committee of any special financial transactions that occur outside the initial budget.
Clause 6 The Audit Committee must consist of at least 2 persons, appointed by the board, and is elected during a General Assembly. If desired by one or more members, a vote on the election of a person to the Audit Committee is possible.
Art 9 GSSV Moddervet and activities
Within GSSV Moddervet, activities can be organized by: The committees of GSSV Moddervet and The Board. Activities can also be organized by the following external parties: BOSSO, demissionary board, Hommes Survivalrun & Outdoor.
Activities include all activities organized outside of regular training times and locations.
Art 10 GSSV Moddervet and safety
Within GSSV Moddervet, it is important that everyone feels welcome and comfortable. If for any reason this is not the case, a member can contact:
A. The Board
Clause 1 The board’s task is to keep the association as accessible as possible for all members, and will, when informed (directly or indirectly), do its best, as far as is realistically possible, to improve the situation.
B. The Confidential Contact Person of the association
Clause 1 The Confidential Contact Person (M/F) is completely independent of the association’s board and can provide a listening ear. If desirable, the confidential contact person will inform the board (anonymously).
C. The confidential contact persons of the ACLO.
Art. 11 Governance Moddervet
The board of the association must consist of at least three persons, all of whom have been ordinary members of the association for at least 9 months. The board is appointed to represent the association and to manage it on a daily basis.
Art. 12 Governance Moddervet and Board Decisions
The board of GSSV Moddervet must act in the interest of the association. The board has the right to make decisions that are deemed to be in the interest of the association. This includes, among other things:
a. Making purchases for the association
b. Signing contracts for the Association
c. Representing the association (Art. 13)
d. Managing the association on a daily basis by performing tasks (Art. 14)
Decisions A, B, and C can be made during board meetings (meetings where the majority of the entire board is present, with or without external parties).
Art. 13 Governance GSSV Moddervet and Representation of the Association
The board of GSSV Moddervet, when In Function, aims to represent the interests of the association and to act as follows:
When In Function means that the board member is present at a location mentioned for this purpose as a representative of the association. For example, when a board member participates in sports at the ACLO or is a member of another sports association, they are not in Function.
Art. 14 Governance GSSV Moddervet and Tasks
Within the board of the association, there are three primary functions:
If there is enough interest from the board, the following positions can also be added:
Clause 1 The Chairman’s primary task is to supervise the Secretary, Treasurer, Internal Commissioner, and External Commissioner, as well as chairing meetings and providing agendas for the respective meetings.
Clause 2 The Secretary’s primary task is to maintain and record membership administration during meetings. This includes updating the membership list. The minutes of board meetings, or general meetings, are open to members (whether censored or not) and can be requested by email Clause 2 (
Clause 3 The Treasurer’s primary task is to keep track of and maintain the financial situation of the association. This includes bookkeeping and budgeting. The Audit Committee oversees this.
Clause 4 The Internal Commissioner maintains contact with the committees and assists with other tasks.
Clause 5 The External Commissioner maintains contact with external parties (such as Hommes Survivalrun & Outdoor, sponsors, BOSSO).
Art. 15 Governance and Board Changes
The board of the association changes annually, during the transitional General Assembly (in October), or after a vote of no confidence.
Clause 1 Change during the transitional General Assembly occurs after a candidate board has presented its policy plan, vision, and preliminary Budget. There may be multiple candidate boards. The candidate board formed by the previous board is found through an application process.
For the inauguration of a new board, two-thirds of the total eligible members must have cast a vote, of which at least half of the votes must be in favor of the respective board.
If less than two-thirds of the total eligible members are present, a majority of two-thirds of the present members must vote in favor of the candidate board.
If a second vote is needed, the right to abstain from voting is forfeited.
Clause 2 Change after a vote of no confidence (where the voting method described in clause 1 must be used) follows with the election of a temporary caretaker board using the same voting method. This temporary caretaker board must immediately initiate applications for finding a new board. This can apply to the entire board or a part of the board.
Clause 3 A vote of no confidence can also be filed against 1 or more persons on the board (where the voting method described in clause 1 must be used). If a primary function is voted out, either someone from the board or a Member of GSSV Moddervet who meets Art. 11 must take over these tasks (using the voting method described in clause 1). If a secondary function is voted out, it does not need to be filled.
Art. 16 Applications for the board
The initially preferred candidate board formed by the previous board is found through the following application procedure.
Clause 1 Applications are made by sending:
before the deadline set by the Application Committee. After the deadline, there is a 5-day period during which the application can be withdrawn.
Clause 2 The application committee consists of an odd number of people (minimum of 3) and includes at least:
The application committee treats the applications as confidential information and acts without bias. Everything said during the application must be kept confidential by both parties.
Art. 17 Changes to the House Rules of GSSV Moddervet
The House Rules must be a document that can be changed by the General Assembly and the Board. The following standards apply:
Clause 1 For changes to the House Rules, the proposed changes must be submitted at least 1 week before the General Assembly. For each change (meaning each individual change), the following voting procedure must be maintained: two-thirds of the total eligible members must have cast a vote, of which at least half of the votes must be in favor of the respective change.
If less than two-thirds of the total eligible members are present, a majority of two-thirds of the present members must vote in favor of the change.
If a second vote is needed, the right to abstain from voting is forfeited.
Clause 2 A vote regarding changes to the House Rules may be made subject to reservation: the proposed change must then occur according to the wishes of the General Assembly.
Clause 3 Members, aside from the Board, may propose a change to the House Rules, provided that a minimum of 5 members have signed this change. When a member proposes a change, it will be discussed at the next General Assembly according to the same method as in clause 1.
Art. 18 GSSV Moddervet and Survivalrun Training sessions
GSSV Moddervet is an association for students practicing the sport of Survivalrun. This sport is practiced through:
On Thursday evenings from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, there is a group training session of Moddervet, supervised by an association trainer provided by Hommes Survivalrun & Outdoor. On Tuesday evenings from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, there is a competitive training session of Moddervet, also supervised by an association trainer provided by Hommes Survivalrun & Outdoor. At other times, training can be conducted during training hours provided by Hommes Survivalrun & Outdoor, see Art. 20.
For trainings, the following applies:
Art. 19 GSSV Moddervet and Survivalrunbond Nederland
To actively practice Survivalrun with GSSV Moddervet, it is expected that individuals register with the Survivalrunbond Nederland, for insurance reasons. If a member of GSSV Moddervet does not wish to purchase an SBN membership, they practice the sport entirely at their own risk.
Art. 20 GSSV Moddervet and training on non-Moddervet sessions
Members of GSSV Moddervet are allowed to train at Hommes Survivalrun and Outdoor on the non-Moddervet sessions on Monday from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, Wednesday from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, and Saturday from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM with some conditions. For the Monday training, the Member must master the basic techniques, the Member can independently:
For all non-Moddervet training sessions, it is allowed for the Member to participate if they are active within GSSV Moddervet by doing one or more of the following:
Art. 21 GSSV Moddervet and privacy
Regarding the handling of personal data and sensitive information, GSSV Moddervet attempts to adhere to its privacy statement (available upon request, at the Survival track on Zernike, and (as soon as possible) on the website of GSSV Moddervet). Several internal agreements have been made for this purpose.
Art. 22 Code of Conduct
In addition to the agreements described above, members of GSSV Moddervet are required to adhere to the following. Failure to comply with the rules below may result in expulsion from GSSV Moddervet and participation in its activities, as determined by the Board.