
G.S.S.V. Moddervet


At Moddervet we attach great value to a safe feeling and a good atmosphere. Our confidants play an important part in this. They are the first people to contact when you experience any problems such as unwanted behaviour by someone inside or related to the association. They provide a listening ear. Naturally, they are unbiased and will offer advise on how to handle the situation. Have you experienced a certain situation as uncomfortable or are you having any other (personal) problems? You can always contact one of the two confidantes of Moddervet. 

Should you want to talk to someone more independent/ unrelated to the association, in that case the Aclo’s confidante or the confidante at centrum veilige sportwill be ready for you too!

Minke Kluivingh

Hi! I’m Minke. I’ve been with Moddervet for 3 years. When I joined, I was studying social geography, but I’ve since graduated and now work at WIJ-Groningen. In my free time, I enjoy camping, mountain hiking, giving (beach volleyball) training, and sports.

Since this year, I’ve also become a confidant at Moddervet. This means you can reach out to me (or Rutger) for advice/support regarding unwanted behavior, even if it doesn’t directly involve you. We can help think through situations and, if needed, look for a solution. I often train on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays, so feel free to approach me on the court if you have any questions. You can also call, message, or email me!


Contact & phone: see newsletter 


Rutger Schaaf


Phone: +31 06 11702668

Rutger Schaaf

Confidantes of the Aclo:

If there is something you want to talk about outside of Moddervet, you can also go to the confidential contact persons of the aclo.

They are Leon Hovenkamp (06 87783200) and Velda Tjalma (06 87381764).